Team Turman is off celebrating the holidays! We will be back in action on January 3. Thanks for your patience. Happy Holidays!


Octopus's Garden


Prints available on Paper, Metal, Canvas. New Framing Options for Paper Prints! 

I love the Arboretum’s Japanese Garden. It’s a beautiful space with rock formations, a waterfall, and did you know an octopus could fill the pond? Look, the Fab 4 are there, too in their yellow submarine. 

My Mom introduced me to The Beatles, and we often visit the Arb together. A visit to this Garden always makes me think of the Beatles’s song, Octopus’s Garden, which reminds me of Yellow Submarine (Album, Movie, or Song). Sometimes when I get an idea in my head I just have to paint it out, and this is my version of the Japanese Octopus’s Garden.