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Go with me on this. There’s a few things going on in this painting, and they don’t fully connect, but I hope they make you smile.

First, the Honeycrisp apple was discovered in 1974 by the U of MN, and apparently the original tree was sort of scraggly, and almost passed over. I’m so grateful it wasn’t, Honeycrisp apples are my favorite!

Next, I grew up with Winnie the Pooh. Pooh Bear was always getting into sticky situations trying to gather honey or apples. 

Then, the cover of the book The Giving Tree, has a young boy reaching for an apple from a tree. I’ve always thought this illustration was really sweet.

Finally, Santa Bear was kind of a thing in my family. My sister collected them, and we brought them out in the late fall, through the holidays.

All these ideas are mashed up together in this painting. The elements may not fit perfectly together, but I do think they make for a warm-fuzzy feeling.