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Minnesota Beetles


Prints available on Paper, Metal, Canvas. New Framing Options for Paper Prints!

This piece is a double riff. Another piece of my work - MN Abbey Road - is a riff of the Beatles Abbey Road album cover art. (MN iconic characters walk across the Stone Arch Bridge) In this version, four beetles, native to Minnesota, walk across a twig with the Mississippi river, and the skylines of Minneapolis and St. Paul in the background. See what I did there?

When my own research on Minnesota native beetles wasn’t turning up much that I trusted, I reached out to the School of Entomology at the University of Minnesota. In response they sent me a video of the top ten beetles in Minnesota. How Amazing!

Four are featured here, from left to right: Tortoise Beetle, Stag Beetle, Spotted Lady Beetle, and the Tiger Beetle. And to repeat what the professor said at the end of the video, if you see ‘em, don’t squash ‘em.