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Adam Turman, Momento

Adam Turman, Momento

Creating Moments — that is the heart of Morrissey Hospitality's new concept Momento Restaurant & Bar, a revamp of the Pazzaluna space at 360 Saint Peter Street, St. Paul. Introduced through Shea, Inc., I was fortunate to be tasked with the interpretation of moments for this restaurant family. The space was a new build/remodel of the classic italian restaurant it was replacing, with a bright and rich color palette that was complementary to my own bold style.

Adding a few nods the the Saint Paul skyline and even Bill Morrissey himself, its these easter eggs that personalized the mural and the moments interspersed. Notice the music notes? A song at Mom and Dad's wedding. The riff in the bathroom hallway...reigns Purple, right in front of Ordway Center.

Thanks to Shea, Inc. for the opportunity and support in the design process and thanks to Morrissey Hospitality for the kind and generous community you've created. The Momento murals have turned out to be one of my favorites.

Adam Turman