Get Your Kicks on Route 66 - Mural with Neon Lighting
I designed and hand painted a Route 66 themed mural with large multi-function neon lighting for a private commission. The client wanted their Route 66 highway signs used throughout the wall to tell the story of traveling the historic highway. The imagery reflects many of the iconic landmarks and road-side attractions along the route from Chicago, Illinois to Santa Monica, California with many stops along the way.
Medium: Painted Mural with Neon Lighting
Metal Fabrication, Neon & LED Lighting, and Programming by Skyline Neon
Dimensions: 50’ x 20’
The concept was relatively simple: Showcase vintage historic Route 66 signs in order. Ok, easy enough. But NOooOOoo, I complicated the living H. E. double hockey sticks out of it.
To truly bring the Route 66 signs to life, I had to tell a story about the amazing historical highway. As I sketched ideas for this mural, I felt that the story had to travel across the wall as if one would actually drive the route. You'd have to start in Chicago, Illinois and work your way all the way to Santa Monica, California. The end of the trail.
The kickin' cowgirl was inspired by the infamous Neon Cowgirl in Las Vegas "Vegas Vickie" and Gil Elvgren's pinup style. I designed her with 3 legs so that her two front legs would appear to be kicking the Route 66 sign as the neon would light up from leg to leg.
These are progress pictures from the sheet metal fabrication to the sketch to blocking in colors.