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Cuyuna Lakes Search It Mural

Cuyuna lakes is an area of small Minnesota towns (Crosby, Ironton, Deerwood, and Cuyuna) that make up a beautiful area of outdoor activities. Mountain biking is huge in Cuyuna Lakes, however, so are paddle boarding, kayaking, and scuba diving.



Actually, Cuyuna Lakes is known to have the deepest lakes in Minnesota. Why, well, the area was once a huge mining operation. All of the jobs in the community revolved around the business of mining starting in the early 1900s.



Flash forward to to the 1980s and the mining industry of Cuyuna dried up. But, the huge holes from mining remained, and filled with water making them the deepest lakes in Minnesota, perfect for scuba diving.


Adam Turman Cuyuna Lakes Search It Mural Paddle Boarder


Cuyuna Lakes is home of a series of murals, all depicting various historic and outdoor activities to do in the area.

The conversation for the Crosby Mural started in the winter months and ended with the Mural Crew painting in the heat of July!

My "Search It" mural was inspired by the water activities in the lakes, and all of the artifacts to be found in them. The mural has some hidden "Easter eggs" throughout, and is eye-catching when you drive, bike, or walk through the main drag in Crosby.


Adam Turman Cuyuna Lakes Search It Mural Scuba Diver

Adam Turman Cuyuna Lakes Search It Mural Adam Signing Mural

Adam Turman Cuyuna Lakes Search It Sketch and Mockup