Bodies by Burgoon
If you apply for a gym membership, you'd expect to have access to equipment and some fitness classes. Let's crack down and get into shape right? Bodies by Burgoon (BBB) is not your normal gym. They offer classes and excel in fitness training, however, their team takes your caters to every individual that walks in their door. BBB offers everything from personal training, to virtual training, to nutrition training. Healthy lifestyle and taking care of yourself is what they are all about.
BBB opened their gym in Northeast, Minneapolis in 2015. In early 2016, they started construction in their new cycling studio, Torque. As a backdrop behind cycling instructors, they wanted a large mural to cover the wall. Something to look at to inspire and drive attendees of the cycling studio. The concept was designed around the city of Minneapolis, the services Bodies By Burgoon offers, and Jason Burgoon's (the owner/trainer) number one inspiration, his daughter Bentley in her favorite outfit.